Fukushima Nuclear Accident Update Log
Clip from Article: "...Full-scale spraying of anti-scattering agent is continuing at the site with the use of both conventional and remote controlled equipment...."
Reference Source: www.iaea.orgAre we headed for the complete destruction of planet earth? Earthquakes, volcanoes, fireballs, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, pollution, and civil unrest are some examples of the inevitable end of time. Are we a dying planet? We are your 'Earth' news source.
Clip from Article: "...Full-scale spraying of anti-scattering agent is continuing at the site with the use of both conventional and remote controlled equipment...."
Reference Source: www.iaea.orgClip from Article: "...“The concern is that these drums will get so hot that they’ll burst. That would put this toxic material into the plume. It’s a concern for everybody,” said Joni Arends..."
Reference Source: www.washingtonpost.com